Monday, 27 June 2016


Available until:- 11.07.2016; 13:00 CET
Yippppeeee! We have a TELEPORT EVENT!
Teleport Events makes me so much Happy every time. I am sure you all must be equally excited. I mean, a teleport event comes with a surety of winning rewards. 

As you can see we have 5 destinations this time. Travel to each one of them and win special rewards.

Win great outfits and decorate your apartment with amazing new items! Make the perfect selfie on the beach.

  • You can visit one DESTINATION at a time.
  • There's a FREE visit per day for entering these destinations.
  • Once you exit the board you will have to pay 10 Diamonds for re-entering that destination again or for entering any other zone (for that particular day).
Here's our Board. Open a field for FREE and see if it gives you a Reward.

  • You have to select any one square of your choice (in which you feel any item is hidden).
  • If you are lucky enough and gets the item in the first attempt, a tick (or check sign) will appear on that particular box. 
  • If you don't get the item in the first attempt don't feel disappointed you will get a hint for any of the items.
  • Hint = a question mark or a cross sign.

  • If a question mark comes, that means you have something either behind that box or in any of the EIGHT boxes around that box with a question mark.
The EIGHT boxes in white circle and the box with the question mark as well, have the possibility of having a prize behind them.
  • And if a cross sign comes, that means you have nothing either behind that box or in any of the EIGHT boxes around that box with a cross. So better leave that radar and try your luck somewhere else.
The EIGHT boxes around the cross sign with the purple circle are not having anything behind them. Even if they show a question mark sign.
  • To find exactly which box is having the prize is a bit tricky but with a little presence of mind and luck you will get all the prizes in no time.
In this image you can see the boxes with black circle have nothing behind them as they are the boxes which surrounds the cross sign. And the boxes with the white circle and the box with question mark May have something behind them.

In short play this event the same way you'd play Minesweeper.

Time Limit:
  • You get to enter a zone for free once every day. If you exit manually or want to enter another zone you will have to pay 10 DIAMONDS.
  • You can stay in a zone for only EIGHT hours. After that you'll exit automatically.
  • You get chance to flip a box for FREE after every 40 MINUTES.
  • If you want to flip the box before those 40 minutes, you will have to pay 3 DIAMONDS for each box you flip.

Now let's talk about the rewards hidden in these Destinations:

 Destination-1: SUMMER BREAK 

 Destination-2: SUMMER DAY 

 Destination-3: SUMMER COLORS 

 Destination-4: SUMMER BREEZE 

 Destination-5: SUMMER FASHION 

❤Lots of LOVE❤


  1. These teleoprt events are really , really very can get things with a little of logic as well, unlike the other events which require you to stay online for a lot of time and prizes are dependent on damn luck...Thanku so much :)

  2. Do you think there is any hope for a replay of this event ?

    1. Oh Yes! Definitely. We might have this event in the 'flash back' series next summer. (Hopefully)
