Monday, 26 September 2016


Available until: 28.09.2016; 13:00 CET!

Dear Ladies,
Now we have entered a new city in our Fashion Weeks journey, and this time we are in MILAN.

By the time now I'm sure you all must know how to play this event. In case you are new to this game please refer to my post- "New York Fashion Week".

Here you'll find this Gift box:

  • You can open this for FREE every 6 hours.
  • If you don't wanna wait for 6 hours, then you can spend 1 Diamond to open this Gift Box.
  • Collect Cameras and Photos and redeem them with the following items:

This week you will get a unique NOSE for your lady as Final Reward.
Well, my doll looked a bit weird with this nose, probably because I didn't have the eyes and eye brows from the last two fashion weeks. But your Doll might look Stunning.

 See you guys in the next fashion week.
till then
 Lots of Love 


Available until: 26.09.2016; 13:00 CET!

My Beautiful Ladies, here we have a new store in the mall which is Autumn Beauty. You'll find clothes here for your doll,that'll make her look even more stylish this season.

Here's the collection:

Following are a few samples of how the clothes might look on your Doll:

Buy as many clothes from this shop as you can because this one's a limited time edition.

 Lots of Love 

Friday, 16 September 2016


Available until: 21.09.2016; 13:00 CET!

So ladies we have stepped into another fashion week and this one is LONDON FASHION WEEK.
In my last post you must have already read about how to play this event.

Here's the gift box which can be opened every 6 hours for free and will coast 1 Diamond after that.

Following are the items you can redeem with the photos:

Here's the complete outfit with NEW EYES:

I'll be back next week with the updates of another fashion week. Till then Take Care
Keep Playing!
 Lots of Love 

Sunday, 11 September 2016


Available until: 14.09.2016; 13:00 CET!

Hello Ladies!

Welcome to New York Fashion week!

This is another Gift Box event, where you have to open the box and collect cameras and photos in order to win the outfit.

You can open this box for free after every 6 Hours.

  • You might get a camera, furniture item, dollars, popularity bonuses, etc when you'll open the box.
  • If you want to open the box before 6 hours you can open it for 1 Diamond.
Following are the outfit parts you can win by collecting cameras and hidden photos:

  • To collect the photos you will need cameras.
  • You will get camera from the box.
  • The photos are hidden in the game(no particular location), they can be in the salon, or pet shop, or your profile, anywhere.
  • You can only collect One photo per camera.
There are going to be 4 back-to-back fashion weeks and you'll get a whole new face for your lady if you managed to win the final rewards for each fashion week location.
Here in New York you'll be getting new Eye Brows for your doll.

Here's the complete outfit with new Eye Brows:
Keep Playing!
 Lots of Love 

Saturday, 3 September 2016


Available until: 15.09.2016; 13:00 CET!

Hello My Beautiful Ladies :)
It's time to get back to school! Don't be sad!
A nice walk through the libraries in the event School Queens can bring you wonderful rewards!


How to Play?
  • In order to move, you need books which will be used to roll a dice .

  • The number on the dice shows how many steps you move.

  • You can use also the lucky dice to select the desired amount of steps you want to take.

  • You start your walk with 5 books for free. 
  • Every day until the end of the event you will be rewarded with 5 more books upon your first log in the game which will be added to the total amount of books you have.

  • While you're walking, you can find the secret libraries that could bring you great rewards!
  • You can win 1 unique outfit from each of them.
  • To enter a library you must be right on its entrance.
Here's the Map:

  • If you have missed some of the fields in the secret library and you haven't collected all the parts of the outfit hidden there, don't worry - you have the option to return to the library's entrance and explore it again. 

When you explore the secret libraries and collect all parts of the outfits, you will be rewarded with a special hairstyle!

Here's the FIRST location from the Map:
The other locations will be somewhat same.

This is the outfit from the first Library(this isn't the complete outfit):

This is the outfit from the SECOND Library(Except the shirt, bag & bracelet):

Keep Playing & Take Care!
 Lots of Love